Video resource: 'Building back better.'

Supported by Worldwise Global Schools we have created a video series and connected activities for classes who are looking for creative ways to explore citizenship, community and activism. The 'Build back better' video is a collection of community activists reflecting on the impact of Covid and the experience of lockdown, both professionally and personally. They highlight stand out responses they experienced of community support and solidarity. Looking to the future, they outline their new sense of purpose and how they would like to see Ireland 'build back better'.
The intention is that students may like to reflect on their own experiences and perhaps make their own interview montage with their peers. We are available to assist with this process, introduce the idea and suggest creative ways this 'vox pop' opinion piece can be created.
Contact us at: [email protected]
The intention is that students may like to reflect on their own experiences and perhaps make their own interview montage with their peers. We are available to assist with this process, introduce the idea and suggest creative ways this 'vox pop' opinion piece can be created.
Contact us at: [email protected]
NEW for 2022/23: As a follow on to the above resource we have created the design thinking resource 'Designing our future' to assist teachers to lead their students in reimagining their views on what is 'community' and how they can see themselves as 'activists'. The video introduces the design thinking technique to problem solving and innovation. Our facilitators are available to introduce the approach and facilitate sessions, contact us at [email protected]